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Manufacturers of Quality Mil-Std-1553 Avionics Equipment

Inline Couplers - MIL-STD-1553
Rugged, Small, Lightweight
Environmental Protective Cover
Off the Shelf Availability
Internal Terminations
Any Cable Length / Type
Connectors Attached
Singe Stub
Single Stub InLine Couplers

Single Stub Internally Terminated InLine Couplers

Dual Stub
Dual Stub Inline Couplers

Three Stub
Three Stub Inline Couplers

Four Stub
Four Stub Inline Couplers

InLine Couplers perform the same electrical functions as Box / Flange Mounted Couplers. Their lightweight design and small package size make these couplers excellent candidates for harness / vehicle applications. However, many test bench and rack applications where size is a constraint are satisfied by these versitile couplers. All InLine Couplers come standard with 12" of shielded twisted pair cable per MIL-C17/176-00002 on all bus and stub ports. Stub cable is delineated by black band wire marker.
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